Conflicto Derecho al Honor vs Libertad de Expresión

Without a doubt, we will talk about the Right to Honor vs. Freedom of Expression Conflict, an issue which can be a bit controversial, since opinions arise every time you try to define which of the two should prevail.

Since both are important for that reason, we must understand well their concepts, importance and the borders between them.

Furthermore, we all as individuals have the right and duty to exercise both our freedom of expression and the right to honor . For this reason, it is important to understand what they imply, only then will we know when we exercise it or if they are being violated. Without wasting any more time let’s get started.

What is the Right to Honor?

Let’s talk about the right to honor which is fundamental and highly recognized by the constitution . In addition, its concept is not completely specific in the constitution, but it is mentioned in law 1/1982 on civil protection. Which indicates that «Personal and family privacy and self-image will be civilly protected against all kinds of illegitimate interference.»

However, the right to honor is understood as the protection of the good name, reputation and public image of every person. Also, it is linked to the right to privacy and social influence of people , which should not be exposed to offenses to induce the contempt or discredit of a third person.

In addition, it is considered a crime to the right of honor, to violate the privacy of a person without their consent. Such as: communications and correspondence.

Definition of Freedom of Expression

One of the most named rights today is freedom of expression. And it is logical since it is a fundamental basis, this is due to the right that we all have to be able to express our opinions, ideals and beliefs without being whipped . It is a civil as well as political freedom, we can exercise it in our social and public life, it is present in Democratic systems where the rights of all must be respected.

También, nos permite discutir y compartir ideales ya sean políticos o de interés público. En pocas palabras es esencial en nuestras vidas porque nos permite la libertad de pensamiento. Por supuesto, no debe usarse para dañar o estabilizar el orden público  ni muchos menos la salud moral de los ciudadanos.

Por eso, debemos ser responsables y aceptar nuestros deberes.  Ya que no se permite difundir ideales como por ejemplo: sobre la intolerancia religiosa o racial, ideas hacia el odio, pensamientos que apoyen la guerra o cualquier otro pensamiento que empujen a actos ilegales.

Conflicto Derecho al Honor vs Libertad de Expresión ¿Cuál Prevalece?

No podemos decir directamente cuál de las dos prevalece sobre la otra. Ya que en gran parte depende mucho de las circunstancias en las cuales se discutan estos derechos. Sin embargo, podemos resaltar como ambas son reguladas por el Tribunal Constitucional y además son legítimas nos protegen, tanto nuestros pensamientos y tratan de evitar comentarios difamatorios.

Ahora bien, podemos decir que la libertad de expresión se puede ver limitada por el derecho al honor. Porque esta última protege la dignidad del individuo, pero esto no quiere decir que quede suprimida. Más bien, cuando entran en conflicto se puede ver más Limitado el derecho al Honor ¿Por qué razón?

Bueno es cierto, que se debe mucho a las técnicas de aprobación constitucional aunque la libertad de expresión no es mayor si prevalece. Si por su doble significado, ya si hablamos jurídicamente el titular tiene garantizado el derecho de expresar y debatir públicamente sus opiniones lo cual es imprescindible en una sociedad democrática.

Por ejempló, si hablamos de conflictos políticos, un periodista esta es su derecho de expresar e incluso debatir cualquier acción o actos de una figura política pública.

Incluso estas expresiones podrían resultar hirientes y hasta molestas por para la figura pública. En este caso se sacrifica el derecho al honor siempre y cuando estén bajos las normas constitucionales.

But it is important to emphasize that their rights are not completely looted since insults or insulting attacks that have nothing to do with political office are not allowed. Since free speech should not be used as an excuse to harm or defame another person.

Conclusion on the Right to Honor vs. Freedom of Expression Conflict

We understand that we all have the right to express and make our feelings known and we should not be harassed or persecuted . And at the same time, we also have the right to have our privacy and public reputation respected. The constitution does not condone offensive, humiliating or defamatory expressions against others.

Regarding the right to honor vs. freedom of expression conflict , there is a very thin thread between both fundamental rights and they may prevail according to the given circumstances , and these are regulated by the constitution.